Communication in Context (Stockholm), Åsa Wikforss, Peter Pagin, Sören Häggqvist
Words in Worlds (Trondheim/Turku), Jussi Haukioja
Contextualism, Relativism and Practical Conflicts and Disagreements (Lisbon), Teresa Marques, Luís Duarte D'Almeida
Communication and the possibility of deceit, a game theoretical analysis (Amsterdam), Robert van Rooij
The Comprehension of Referential Expressions and its Impact on Communication (Osnabrück), Peter Bosch
Social Categories Considered from Different Points of View (London), James Hampton
Game Theoretical Linguistics (Tübingen), Gerhard Jäger
Verbal Disputes and Reference (Tartu), Daniel Cohnitz
THE PROJECT IN LISBON Contextualism, Relativism and Practical Conflicts and Disagreements Reference: EuroUnders/0001/2010 Starting Date: July 2011 End Date: 31 December 2014 PI: Teresa Marques Project members: Luís Duarte D'Almeida. Luis's page. Fiora Salis. Fiora's page. Bruno Jacinto. Bruno's page. José Mestre. Zé's LanCog page. HIRED BY PROJECT Andreas Stokke. Andreas's page. HIRED BY PROJECT: Gonçalo Santos. Gonçalo's google scholar page. Project Consultant: Francisco Santos. Francisco's page.
Projects objectives The main objective of the project was (1) to assess the prospects of semantic contextualism and semantic relativism in recognizably perspectival areas of language and thought by investigating how disagreement and conflict in those areas take place. Relativism requires an answer to some questions, for instance: how are the notions of agreement and disagreement in these domains to be explained? This project aimed to account for the crucial notions of agreement and disagreement, and also retraction, at work. Other subsidiary objectives pursued were: (2) accounting for related notions in the broader context of communicative success, like lying and misleading; (3) making an application of the broader framework of conflicting attitudes developed to, for instance, normative and legal disputes and gender and sex based discrimination; (4) to create the conditions for the exploration of related issues in semantics and philosophy of logic, from fictional discourse to quantifier domain restriction.
Teresa Marques. 2014. "É o Género uma Construção Social?" in Mesquita, A. P.; Beckert, C.; Pérez, J. L.; Xavier, M. L. L. O (eds.), A Paixão da Razão. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. pp. 561-578.
Teresa Marques. "Desacordo", forthcoming in J. Branquinho and R. Santos (eds), Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
Teresa Marques and Manuel García-Carpintero. 2014. "Nomes Vazios", in J. Branquinho and R. Santos (eds.) Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
Gonçalo Santos. 2013.Numbers and Everything. Philosophia Mathematica. DOI: 10.1093/philmat/nkt008 [awarded the accèssit to the "Premi José Manuel Blecua".]
Gonçalo Santos. 2011. Unlimited Possibilities, in Michal Peliš & Vít Puncochár (eds.) The Logica Yearbook.
Luís Duarte D'Almeida. 2014. The Problem of Defeasibility and the Problems of “Defeasibility", forthcoming in Jurisprudence.
Luís Duarte D'Almeida. 2014. Allowing for Exceptions, Oxford University Press.
Luís Duarte D'Almeida. 2014. Linguagem Normativa em Direito, in J. Branquinho and R. Santos (eds.) Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
Luis Duarte d'Almeida and James Edwards, Some Claims About Law’s Claims, Law and Philosophy 33 (6), 725-746.
Luís Duarte D'Almeida. 2013. Legal Sex, in L Green and B Leiter (eds) Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law, vol 2 (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Luís Duarte D'Almeida. 2013. Hart’s Readers, co-authored with James Edwards and Andrea Dolcetti, in Reading HLA Hart’s ‘The Concept of Law’ (Hart Publishing).
Luís Duarte D'Almeida. 2013. In Canonical Form: Kelsen’s Doctrine of the “Complete” Legal Norm, in L Duarte d’Almeida, J Gardner and L Green (eds) Kelsen Revisited. New Essays on the Pure Theory of Law (Hart Publishing).
Fiora Salis. 2014 Imagination. In João Branquinho and Ricardo Santos (Eds.), Online Companion to Problems in Analytic Philosophy. Lisbon: Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon.
Fiora Salis. 2013 Fictional Entities. In João Branquinho and Ricardo Santos (Eds.), Online Companion to Problems in Analytic Philosophy. Lisbon: Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon.
Fiora Salis 2013. (editor). Book Symposium on François Recanati, Mental Files, Oxford University Press, special issue of Disputatio, V (36).
Bruno Jacinto and Maria Aloni. 2014. "Knowing Who: How Perspectives and Contexts Interact", in F. Lihoreau and M. Rebuschi (eds.) Epistemology, Context and Formalism, Synthése Library, Springer.
Teresa Marques. 2014. "La Construcción Social de Hechos Reales". Flash Philosophy, in the philosophy festival Barcelona Pensa. November 2014.
Teresa Marques. 2014. "The Relevance of Causal Social Construction'', XXIII SIUCC - Seminario Interuniversitário de Ciência Cognitiva -- Invited Speaker: Jennifer Hornsby (Seville, November 6-8, 2014).
Teresa Marques. 2014. "Varieties of Constructionism'', ESPP -- European Society for Philosophy and Psychology annual congress, Noto, Sicily, September 2014.
Teresa Marques. 2014. "Varieties of Constructionism'', GRSelona 2‚ 2nd workshop on Gender, Race and Sexuality. Barcelona, 29-30 May 2014.
Teresa Marques. 2014. "Retractions", Philosophy of Law Seminar. University Pompeu Fabra. May 2014.
Teresa Marques. 2014. "Retractions" Logos Seminar. University of Barcelona. 5 February 2014.
Teresa Marques. 2013. "Retractions". LanCog Seminar. University of Lisbon, 15 November 2013.
Teresa Marques. 2013. “Are Gender and Race Social Constructs? Some Arguments for and Against”, invited Symposium New Realism: Ontology and Epistemology, in International Conference Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and Tasks, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon. 4-6 December 2013.
Teresa Marques. 2013 “Shared Desires”, invited talk in the EUROCORES networking workshop Varieties of Shared Intentionality, Institute of Philosophy, London, 2-3 December 2013.
Teresa Marques. 2013. "Retractions", talk at LanCog Seminar, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 15 November 2013.
Teresa Marques. 2013. "Retractions", 2nd PLM Conference (Philosophy of Language and Mind in Europe), Budapest, September 2013.
Teresa Marques. 2012. "The Puzzle of Conflicting Attitudes", ESPP -- University of London, 30 August 2012.
Teresa Marques. 2012. "De Se Properties and The Puzzle of Conflicting Attitudes", Eidos- the Centre in Metaphysics of the University of Geneva, 2012 Graduate School, Fourth workshop: What did we learn from two-dimensionalism?, 6-8 July 2012.
Teresa Marques. 2012. "Disagreement in Contexts & Coordination", Logos seminar, University of Barcelona, May 9 2012.
Teresa Marques. 2012. "Disagreement in context: metalinguistic negation and coordination", Communicative Success Workshop, University of Stockholm, May 4 2012
Teresa Marques (with M. García-Carpintero). 2012. 'Disagreements about taste: the coordination account', workshop Knowledge and Disagreement, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 15-16 March 2012.
Teresa Marques. 2011. 'Doxastic Disagreement', II Logos-LanCog Workshop, Barcelona, October 2011.
Teresa Marques. 2011. "Doxastic Disagreement", Disagreements Workshop, University of Tartu, Estonia. August 28 2011.
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2014. “Theoretical Disagreements”, University of Girona, 8 September.
Luís Duarte d'Almeida.2014. “The Grounds of Law”, Conference PERSP -- Perspectival Thoughts and Facts (Barcelona, 8-10 September 2014).
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2014. “The Grounds of Law”. Jurisprudence Discussion Group, University of Oxford, November 2014.
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2013. ‘Some Claims about Law’s Claims’ (co-auth. James Edwards), PUC University of Rio de Janeiro, July 2013.
Luís Duarte d'Almeida.2013. ‘Primary and Secondary Norms’, XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, July 2013.
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2013. ‘Exceptions and Supersession’, XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, July 2013.
Luís Duarte d'Almeida.2012. 'Exceptions and Supersession' presented at Norm and Value, University of Lisbon, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2012. 'Same-Sex Marriage and the Function of Marriage Law' presented at Centre for Law and Society, University of Edinburgh, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2012. 'Marriage Equality and Marriage Reform' presented at VII Nomos Meeting in Applied Philosophy, University of Barcelona, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2012. 'Is That It? On a Recent Attempt at Solving the Defeasibility Dilemma' presented at QAJF2012, Third International Conference on Quantitative Justice and Fairness, University of Lisbon, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida.2012. 'A Proof-Based Account of Legal Defeaters' presented at Permanent Seminar for Logic and Legal Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2012. 'Legal Rules and "Implicit" Exceptions'' presented at XIV International Legal Theory Seminar, University of Bahía Blanca, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2012. 'Do We Need Substantive Law?' presented at Oxford Jurisprudence Discussion Group, University of Oxford, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida.'Legal Rules and 'Implicit' Exceptions' presented at Seminar in Legal Theory, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2012. 'Do We Need Substantive Law?' presented at Legal Theory Seminar Series, University of Milan (Bocconi), 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 'Legal Proof and Legal Substance: The Standard Model and How to Assess It' presented at Legal Theory Seminars, University of Girona, 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2011. 'Legal Rules and 'Implicit' Exceptions' presented at Legal Theory Workshop, University of Milan (Statale), 2012
Luís Duarte d'Almeida.2011. 'Criminal Answerability and the Offence/Defence Distinction' presented at VI Latin Meeting for Analytic Philosophy, University of Lisbon, 2011
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2011. 'A Proof-Based Account of Legal Defeaters' presented at IVR Workshop on Legal Normativity and the Philosophy of Practical Reason, University of Frankfurt, 2011
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2011.''Implicit' Exceptions and Ceteris Ignotis Judgments' presented at Legal Theory Seminars, University of Girona, 201
Luís Duarte d'Almeida. 2011.''Unless'' presented at 2011 McMaster University Philosophy of Law Conference, McMaster University, Canada, 2011
Andreas Stokke. 2013. “Testimony and New Knowledge”, Swedish Congress of Philosophy, Stockholm, June 2013
Andreas Stokke. 2013. “Lying, Misleading, and Questions under Discussion”, Institut Jean Nicod, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, June 2013.
Andreas Stokke. 2013. “Testimony and New Knowledge”, Aarhus University, June 2013.
Andreas Stokke. 2012. “Insincerity and Unreliability”, Deference, Testimony, and Diversity, University of Copenhagen, Nov. 2012.
Andreas Stokke. 2012. "Does Testimonial Knowledge Require Sincerity?" LanCog Seminar, November 2012, University of Lisbon.
Andreas Stokke. 2012.“Insincerity and Knowledge across Chains of Testimony”, Stockholm University, September 2012
Andreas Stokke. 2012. "Is the Lying-Misleading Distinction Context-Sensitive?", Communicative Success Workshop, University of Stockholm, May 4 2012.
Andreas Stokke. 2012. "What is the Sincerity Requirement on Testimony?", 2nd LanCog Annual Workshop, University of Lisbon, June 2012
Fiora Salis. 2012. “The Puzzle of Conative Engagement with Fiction”, 2nd LanCog Workshop, University of Lisbon, Portugal June 2012
Fiora Salis. 2012. “The Puzzle of Conative Engagement with Fiction”, Knowledge and Ability Research Seminar, Institute of Philosophy of Language, New University of Lisbon, Portugal, April 2012
Fiora Salis. 2012. “On Currie’s Problem of Tragedy”, LanCog Research Seminar, University of Lisbon, Portugal, · 2nd March 2012
Fiora Salis. 2012. ‘Desire and i-desire: on Currie’s problem of satisfaction conditions’, The Answers of Philosophy: SIFA 20th Anniversary Conference, University of Sassari, Alghero, Italy 09.2012
Fiora Salis. 2012. "I-desire and the problem of satisfaction conditions", Thumos seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland 10.2012
Fiora Salis. 2012. "Fictionally creating fictional characters", eidos seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland 11.2012
Fiora Salis. 2013. "Thinking and talking about Marlow", Institut Jean Nicod, École Normale Superiéure de Paris, France. (04-2013)
Fiora Salis. 2013. "Fictionally Creating Fictional Characters", LanCog Seminar, University of Lisbon, Portugal 04.2013
Fiora Salis. 2013. Comments on Patrizia Pedrini (University of Florence), Self-Deception: The 'Doxastic Problem’, 7th Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, France 07.2013
Bruno Jacinto. 2012. "Kaplan's Theory of Logical Consequence and Why (I Believe) It Is Incorrect", ENFA5, Braga, Portugal, 13-15 September 2012.
Bruno Jacinto. 2012. “Omega-level precisifications and the Supervaluationist's Logic for Vagueness”, Arché Foundations of Logical Consequence Seminar, University of St Andrews, Scotland, 23 April 2012.
Bruno Jacinto. 2013. "The Force Is Strong With This One: A Reply to Williamson" LanCog Seminar, 27 September 2014, University of Lisbon.
Bruno Jacinto. 2013. “Modal Metaphysics and Second-Order Modal Logic”, Necessity, Analyticity and the A Priori Workshop (organized jointly by the Arché Project Models, Modality and Meaning and the University of Oslo Project Plurals, Predicates and Paradox), University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway, 10-11 June 2013).
José Manuel Mestre. 2014. Comment on Mario Santos-Sousa’s “Bootstrapping Rebooted”, OFA10, Lisbon, May 2014.
José Manuel Mestre. 2014 Diferem as vozes activa e passiva apenas em “iluminação”? LanCog Series in Analytic Philosophy.
José Manuel Mestre "Quantifying in a Davidsonian semantics", LanCog 2nd Annual Workshop, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, 6th June 2012.
José Manuel Mestre, "The non-arbitrariness of semantics (for quantified formulae of first order logic)", ENFA5, Braga, Portugal, 13-15 September 2012.
José Manuel Mestre. 2012. Comment on Lars Dänzer’s “Semantics, pragmatics and the explanation of utterance understanding”, OFA 8, September 2012.
Gonçalo Santos. 2014. "Restricted and Unrestricted Quantification", Seminar in Philosophy of Logic, Universidade de Barcelona. 12 de June 2014,
Gonçalo Santos. 2014. Comment on Sergi Oms's "The Incoherence of Probabilistic Measures of Coherence. Tenth Portuguese Workshop in Analytic Philosophy, OFA10, University of Lisbon. 27-28 de May 2014.
Gonçalo Santos. 2014. "Potential collections, Objects of all kinds", Universidade de Lille 3. 22-23 de May 2014
Gonçalo Santos. 2014. "Paradoxos e demonstrações", Principia Mathematica 1913-2013, University of Lisbon. 6-7 February 2014
Gonçalo Santos. 2013. "A Brouwerian dream", Seminar in Philosophy of Logic, Universidade de Barcelona. 2 de December 2013
Gonçalo Santos. 2013. "Sets and everything", Second Lisbon International Conference: Philosophy of Science in the 21st century - Challenges and Tasks, University of Lisbon. 4-6 de December 2013,
Gonçalo Santos. 2013. Restricted and unrestricted quantifiers, Séptimo Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Filosofia Analítica, SEFA 7, Universidade Carlos III, Madrid. 11-14 de September 2013
Gonçalo Santos. 2013, "Restricted and unrestricted quantifiers", CCCOM Workshop, 21-22 de May, University of Trondheim.
Gonçalo Santos. 2013, (Comment) In Defence of Sententialism, de Giulia Fellapi (Kings College, London) Ninth Portuguese Workshop in Analytic Philosophy, OFA 9, University of Lisbon. 12-13 de September 2013.
Gonçalo Santos, 2013. "The Possibility of Unrestricted Quantification", Context -CCCOM Workshop, Trondheim, May 21-22, 2013.
Tim Sundell, Kentucky David Plunkett, Dartmouth Gunnar Björnsson, Umeå Isidora Stojanovic, UPF Barcelona Josh Parsons, Corpus Christy, Oxford Dan López de Sa, LOGOS/UB Barcelona Pekka Väyrynen, Leeds.
First PERSP Legal Philosophy Workshop Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, July 5th and 6th, 2012 This workshop was sponsored by: The Consolider-Ingenio PERSP Project (WPS3) The Cambridge Forum for Legal and Political Philosophy The CCCOM (Communication in Context) Project Organised by: Jordi Ferrer (Girona), José Juan Moreso (Barcelona), Luís Duarte d’Almeida (Girona and Cambridge), and Matthew H. Kramer (Cambridge) For more information please contact: [email protected]
Other EuroUnderstanding events:
Launch meeting of the EuroUnderstanding CRP projects took place from 14 to 16 October 2011.