Selection of publications
Papers by topic
Hate speech, dangerous speech, propaganda
Disagreement & metalinguistic negotiations
Pejoratives & slurs
Relativism, contextualism, retractions
Evaluative & normative discourse
Social kinds, conceptual amelioration, sex and gender
Truth, falsity, negation
- 'The defectiveness of propaganda', Philosophical Quarterly (co-authores with Constant Bonard and Filippo Contesi). 2024.
- 'The expression of hate in hate speech', Journal of Applied Philosophy, 2023. (open access)
- 'How can philosophy of language help us navigate the political news cycle?', in Elly Vintiadis (ed.) Philosophy by Women: 22 Philosophers Reflect on Philosophy and Its Value, NY: Routledge. 2020
- 'Bestias en forma humana: o de los daños que causa el discurso peligroso' La torre del Virrey. Revista de Estudios Culturales 27 (2020/11), 1-31 2020. Link. [Spanish translation of the below]
- In English: 'Beasts in human form’: how dangerous speech harms’, Araucaria: Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, Humanidades, y Relaciones Internacionales, 21(42). 2019. link
Disagreement & metalinguistic negotiations
- 'Illocutionary force and attitude mode in normative disputes', Metaphilosophy. 2021; 00: 1– 17. Open access.
- ‘Disagreement with a bald-faced liar’, Ratio pp. 1–14. doi:10.1111/rati.12268. 2020. Final draft.
- ‘What metalinguistic negotiations can’t do’, Phenomenology and Mind. 12: 40-48. 2017. Link.
- ‘Can metalinguistic negotiations and ‘conceptual ethics’ rescue legal positivism?’ Francesca Poggi and Alessandro Capone (eds.), Pragmatics and Law: Practical and Theoretical Perspectives, pp. 223-241. Springer. ISBN-10: 3319445995. 2017. Link.
- ‘Disagreeing in context’. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (257). 2015. Link
- 'Desacordo', Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica. 2014. Link.
- 'Disagreement about taste: commonality presuppositions and coordination’. Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 92 (4):701-723. (with Manuel García-Carpintero). 2014 Link.
- ‘Doxastic disagreement’. Erkenntnis, 79 (1): 121 - 142. 2014. Link.
- ‘Disagreements’. Erkenntnis, 79 (1): 1-10. (with Daniel Conhitz). 2014.
Pejoratives & slurs
- 'How slurs enact norms, and how to retract them', Synthese. 203 (174). Link to online open access. 2024.
- 'Pejoratives & oughts', Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel. 2020. Link to online access.
- ‘Really expressive presuppositions and how to block them’, Grazer Philosophische Studien, (with M. García-Carpintero). 2020. preprint
- ‘Pejorative discourse is not fictional’, Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 6(4): 250–260. 2017. preprint
Relativism, contextualism, retractions
- 'Falsity and retraction: New experimental data on epistemic modals', forthcoming in Retraction Matters: New Developments in the Philosophy of Language, edited by Dan Zeman and Mihai Hîncu. 2024.
- ‘The case against semantic relativism’, in M. Kusch (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Relativism, Routledge. 2019. preprint
- ‘Retractions’. Synthese. 195(8), 3335-3359. 2018 preprint
- ‘Relative correctness’. Philosophical Studies 167 (2): 361 - 373. 2014. Link.
- ‘What can modes do for (moderate) relativism?’ Critical notice of François Recanati’s Perspectival Thought: A Plea for (Moderate) Relativism, OUP, in Crítica, Revista Hispano-Americana de Filosofia, 42(124): 77–100. 2010
Evaluative & normative discourse
- ‘Hybrid dispositionalism and the law’, in D. Plunkett, S. Shapiro, and K. Toh (eds.), Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press. 2019 preprint
- ‘Aesthetic predicates: a hybrid dispositional account’. Inquiry 59(6), pp. 723-751. 2016 Link.
- ‘We can’t have no satisfaction’. Philosophy South – Unisinos Philosophy Journal 17(3):308-314. 2016. Link.
Social kinds, conceptual amelioration, sex and gender
- 'Representing or shaping reality? What 'class' can teach about 'woman'', Forthcoming in New Perspectives on Conceptual Engineering, (eds. M.G. Isaac, S. Koch, & K. Scharp) | Synthese Library. 2024.
- 'Language, Words, and Linguistic Objects’, forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of Social Ontology, edited by Stephanie Collins, Brian Epstein, Sally Haslanger, and Hans Bernhard Schmidt, Oxford University Press. (with M. García-Carpintero)
- ‘Amelioration vs perversion’, in T. Marques and Å. Wikforss (eds.) Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. preprint
- ‘The relevance of causal social construction’. Journal of Social Ontology. 3 (1). 2017 Link.
- ‘É o género uma construção social?’, in Mesquita, A. P., Beckert, C. Pérez, J. L., Xavier, M. L. (eds.), A Paixão da Razão, Lisbon: CFUL, pp. 561-578. 2015
- 'Construção social', in Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica, Lisbon: CFUL. 2015 . Link.
Truth, falsity, negation
- ‘This is not an instance of (E)’. Synthese. 195(3), pp. 1035–1063. 2018 preprint
- 'Truth and the ambiguity of negation'. In Erich Rast & Luiz Carlos Baptista (eds.), Meaning and Context. Peter Lang. pp. 2-235. 2010. Link.
- 'The square of opposition and the paradoxes'. Logica Universalis 2 (1):87-105. 2008. Link.
- ‘Pode o deflacionismo negar a bivalência?’ Philosophica, 28: 227–244 2006
- 'Nomes vazios' (with Manuel García-Carpintero) Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica. 2014. Link
- ‘Filosofia da Linguagem’, in P. Galvão (ed.), Filosofia: Uma Introdução por Disciplinas, Lisbon: Edições 70. (with M. García-Carpintero) 2012.
- ‘On an argument of Segal’s against object dependent thoughts’. Disputatio, 2(21): 19–37. 2006. Link
- ‘Referência, Teorias da’, in J. Branquinho, D. Murcho and N. Gonçalves (eds.) Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos, São Paulo: Martins Fontes. 2006.
- Tipo natural’, in J. Branquinho, D. Murcho and N. Gonçalves (eds.) Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico- Filosóficos, São Paulo: Martins Fontes. 2006
Books & collections
- Collective Action, Philosophy and Law (edited with Chiara Valentini), Routledge. 2021.
- Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability (edited with Åsa Wikforss). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2020
- Disputatio Symposium on Sally Haslanger's Work, Disputatio 10 (50): 169-172. 2018. link
- Erkenntnis special issue Disagreements, edited with Daniel Cohnitz. Erkenntnis 79 (1). 2014.
- Disputatio special issue Normativity and Rationality, Disputatio, 2(23): 153 - 160. 2007. Link.
Outreach and other publications in the media
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara, on the right to offend (December 2022)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara, on city planning, sustainability and global warming. (August 2022)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara, on Elon Musk and Twitter. (May 2022)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara, on bald-faced lies and propaganda. (March 2022)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara, on censorship, propaganda, and disinformation. (October 2021)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara, on truth and democracy. (February 2021).
- Article in the Portuguese newspaper Público, on its P3 supplement, on the silencing of women. (November 2011)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara on strategic ignorance and the Covid pandemic. (September 2020)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara on free speech during the pandemic. (May 2020)
- Article in the Catalan newspaper Ara on free speech and its limits (January 2020)
- Interview for GPS, Global Portuguese Scientists network.
- Article for The Conversation on the problems with research assessment and funding in Portugal, which has been reprinted here and here. (2014). The graphics below were prepared by Sylvia Tippman and show how many review panels and how many members there were in each review exercise. Whereas in 2007, decisions were taken by the 223 reviewers (covering more than 20 specialized panels), in 2014 the external reviewers opinion was not conclusive for the final verdicts. Instead, the 74 reviewers distributed in only 5 panels made all the final decisions concerning rating of the research units, and their future funding until 2020.