Research grants
The Philosophy of Hybrid Representations
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Code: PID2020-119588GB-I00
Principal Investigators
IP1: Manuel García-Carpintero (University of Barcelona) IP2: Teresa Marques (University of Barcelona)
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Code: PID2020-119588GB-I00
Principal Investigators
IP1: Manuel García-Carpintero (University of Barcelona) IP2: Teresa Marques (University of Barcelona)

Value in language: public discourse, collective attitudes, and responsibility
Planned project duration: 2021-2025.
Project reference: CIDEGENT/2020/033
Principal investigator: Teresa Marques
From the hardest moral dilemmas to politics, from aesthetics to matters of taste, evaluative language is essential to our lives. We use it both to compliment and to derogate; we use it in private and in public, and it shapes the social and political reality around us. Until recently, philosophy of language was pursued purely as ideal theory. In reality, speakers are not fully rational or cooperative.
The project’s guiding research hypothesis is that evaluative language is expressively normative.
The project’s main aim is to give a comprehensive account of the direct and indirect ways language communicates value. To this end, the project identifies four contributing goals, pertaining to philosophy of language, to metaethics, the philosophy of action, and the philosophy of emotions:
Planned project duration: 2021-2025.
Project reference: CIDEGENT/2020/033
Principal investigator: Teresa Marques
From the hardest moral dilemmas to politics, from aesthetics to matters of taste, evaluative language is essential to our lives. We use it both to compliment and to derogate; we use it in private and in public, and it shapes the social and political reality around us. Until recently, philosophy of language was pursued purely as ideal theory. In reality, speakers are not fully rational or cooperative.
The project’s guiding research hypothesis is that evaluative language is expressively normative.
The project’s main aim is to give a comprehensive account of the direct and indirect ways language communicates value. To this end, the project identifies four contributing goals, pertaining to philosophy of language, to metaethics, the philosophy of action, and the philosophy of emotions:
- To dissolve the riddle of moral/value disagreement.
- To rehabilitate metaethical expressivism and metaethical cognitivism, offering a hybrid view.
- To place applied, "non-ideal", philosophy of language, properly within the purview of metaethics.
- To rehabilitate individual moral responsibility for participation in shared actions, of which public discourse is a case, and to counter stronger anti-individualistic structural explanations.

CONCEDIS: Shifting Concepts and Hybrid Dispositionalism
Project duration: 2017 - 2019
Project number: FFI2015-73767-JIN
Principal investigator: Teresa Marques
An important focus of inquiry concerns the nature of the properties denoted by some central concepts for human life, value concepts. What properties can they express? How is linguistic communication about value possible given widespread crosspersonal variation? And how can emotional language produce motivational effects in action? This project develops Hybrid Dispositionalism (HD). HD is a new pluralist theory about normative and evaluative discourse, combined with a dispositional metaphysical theory about the nature of the properties denoted. The project argues that dispositional or response dependent value properties are *de nobis* or collective dispositions. The project affords a comprehensive account of norms and values, and combines contextualism at the level of semantic content with expressivism at the pragmatic level. HD promises to be a successful alternative to other extant theories, while fitting with experimental data on conceptual variability, and current research on collective intentionality. The project further promises to make a vital contribution to current philosophical reflection on public and political discourse, and its impact on a multicultural and diverse society.
Project duration: 2017 - 2019
Project number: FFI2015-73767-JIN
Principal investigator: Teresa Marques
An important focus of inquiry concerns the nature of the properties denoted by some central concepts for human life, value concepts. What properties can they express? How is linguistic communication about value possible given widespread crosspersonal variation? And how can emotional language produce motivational effects in action? This project develops Hybrid Dispositionalism (HD). HD is a new pluralist theory about normative and evaluative discourse, combined with a dispositional metaphysical theory about the nature of the properties denoted. The project argues that dispositional or response dependent value properties are *de nobis* or collective dispositions. The project affords a comprehensive account of norms and values, and combines contextualism at the level of semantic content with expressivism at the pragmatic level. HD promises to be a successful alternative to other extant theories, while fitting with experimental data on conceptual variability, and current research on collective intentionality. The project further promises to make a vital contribution to current philosophical reflection on public and political discourse, and its impact on a multicultural and diverse society.

Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF
Project number 622114.
Project duration: 2014-2016
Individual grant
The main aim of the project is to increase our understanding of legal and normative discourse in light of contemporary accounts of the semantics and pragmatics of deontic modals, and of collective intentionality. This is a highly interdisciplinary project, connecting various philosophical disciplines with jurisprudence.
Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF
Project number 622114.
Project duration: 2014-2016
Individual grant
The main aim of the project is to increase our understanding of legal and normative discourse in light of contemporary accounts of the semantics and pragmatics of deontic modals, and of collective intentionality. This is a highly interdisciplinary project, connecting various philosophical disciplines with jurisprudence.

Contextualism, Relativism and Practical Conflicts and Disagreement
Project duration: 2011 - 2014
Project number EuroUnderstanding 0001/2010
Principal Investigator: Teresa Marques
One of the 5 European projects in the collaborative research project Communication in Context (CCCOM) in the EUROCORES scheme of the ESF.
Project duration: 2011 - 2014
Project number EuroUnderstanding 0001/2010
Principal Investigator: Teresa Marques
One of the 5 European projects in the collaborative research project Communication in Context (CCCOM) in the EUROCORES scheme of the ESF.
Project membership
- BIAP -- María de Maeztu Research Unit of Excellence. Research programme on the nature and role of evidence. Funding: €2M. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
- Affiliated member in Knowledge Resistance: Causes, Consequences and Cures, Referência: M18-0310:1, Stockholm University. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences). 2019-2024. Financiamento: SEK 50 400 000.00
- Advisory board member: EXPRESS - ERC Starting Grant. Grant agreement no. 758540. University of Amsterdam.
- Associate member in Foundations of Epistemic Normativity Reference: P17-0487:1, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences ) 2018–2020. PI: Anandi Attiagandi.
- Affiliated member in Grounding in Law - Royal Society of Edinburgh Network Award - Law And Philosophy. PIs: Stephan Leuenberger - George Pavlakos.
- Local team member in DIAPHORA, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network. H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015. Project number: 675415. 2016-2019.
- Local team member in The Significance of First-Personal Attitudes, FFI2016-80588-R (MINECO): 2016-2020.
- Local member in Grup de Recerca Consolidat LOGOS, 2017-SGR-63.
- Global Constitutionalism and Global Justice: Philosophical Foundations, Duration: 2014 - 2016, Code: DER2013-48066-C2-1-
- Affiliated member of Foundations of Normativity, Eidyn, Edinburgh. (2015)
- Local team member in PERSP | perspectival thoughts and Facts (CONSOLIDER - INGENIO) PERSP was a Spanish research and training network focusing on philosophical issues arising from the perspectival character of some thoughts and the facts they represent, funded by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Scheme (CSD2009-00056), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, to which four Spanish groups contribute. Read more...
- Local team member in About Ourselves Duration: 2014 - 2016 Code: FFI2013-47948-P In the 1960s and 1970s Castañeda, Perry and Lewis argued that, among de re or singular thoughts, thoughts about oneself “as oneself” – de se thoughts – raise special issues. Perry and Lewis offered contrasting accounts: while Lewis aims to account for de se thoughts by taking the subject away from de se contents, which are thus properties instead of complete traditional propositions, Perry offers an account compatible with traditional views. Read more...
- Local team member in The Nature of Assertion: Consequences for Relativism and Fictionalism Duration: 2011 - 2014. Code: FFI2010-16049 Read more...
- Local team member in Online Companion to Problems of Analytic Philosophy 2012-2015. FCT Project PTDC/FIL-FIL/121209/2010. Read more...